Welcome to the OHA Resource Library
Our Resource Library is filled with forms, guides, manuals, and more. All are designed to help you communicate or organize within the OHA. All documents listed below are available for download in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format opening in a new tab/window. If you need a free Acrobat Reader, please visit adobe.ca.
To use our forms, please download the form and save it on your computer. There are two formats, either a “fillable” or regular pdf. A fillable pdf can be opened on your computer and filled in by typing in each field. Don’t forget to save this new file so you can send it in by email. A regular pdf can be printed out and filled in manually. Please print clearly, scan, and send it to the email address listed on the form.
Update January 25, 2022
Update July 12, 2021
Update June 15, 2021
Stay at Home Order Extended to May 16, 2021:
Both the provincial declaration of emergency and the Stay-at-Home order (O.Reg 265/21) have been extended for an additional two weeks to help stop the spread of COVID-19. The Stay-at-Home order currently in effect requires everyone to remain at home except for specified purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services (including getting vaccinated), for outdoor exercise, or for work that cannot be done remotely.”
*Note: This order means that a group of members cannot work in a municipal garden. But, if individuals work alone in a garden – this could be classified as exercise.
Please read our latest update and guidance regarding the impact this pandemic is having on meetings and events. We also hope the following information, tools, and resources will help. We will update this section as we learn more.
All societies must complete the OMAFRA Application Form on an annual basis and all sections are required except for the Grant section. The 2021 Grant monies have already been sent to all eligible Societies/Clubs. This early payment was based upon whether or not a Society/Club was eligible in 2020 for a grant. OMAFRA is currently working on a new form for the OMAFRA Annual Report. It is not ready yet and a projected date is not possible at this point. Please see the following OHA memo for more.
OMAFRA will require Societies/Clubs to report their financials for the year on their new OMAFRA Annual Report Form. Once the “reviewers” have completed their work reviewing/auditing the financials, the final report and financials will need to go to the Society/Club Executive for approval. There is no need for the financials to go to an AGM for approval as far as OMAFRA is concerned although a society/club should try to do so. It is understood that for transparency for the Society/Club membership, the financials should be dealt with during the AGM however, considering the current and ongoing situation with COVID-19, AGMs are not always possible or practical for all Societies/Clubs. Please see the following OHA memos on a) Financial Statements; and b) Holding an AGM for more.
Shawn LePalm, our insurance agent, states that there is NO coverage for pandemic illness on the OHA policy. No policy really has this coverage available. He suggests that if you are going to be holding any events, that you contact the local health unit, as they are the governing body on what can and cannot be done. If your event meets the local health unit’s requirements, you are allowed to proceed with the event following all protocols and safety guidelines they put in place. It is imperative that your society follow your local health unit’s protocols and guidelines at all times, and check back with them frequently to make sure you are following the latest set of rules, as they seem to be changing rapidly across the country.
Volunteers and members are also included in all these guidelines. Best practices are to always wear a mask and have proper hand sanitizer on hand, and finally keep a tracking list of all people attending your event.
Rental Spaces:
Shawn also notes that the new normal for events and facility rentals, because there is NO pandemic insurance coverage, is for most Townships and facilities to ask you to sign a waiver. The Township and/or facility, however, is responsible for making sure the environment they are renting has been cleaned and sanitized before renting. See the following memo from the OHA about rental agreements for more.
Your organization should develop, if not already in place, policy and procedures for holding events. This will include but not limited to:
- Proper screening of those attending
- Tracking form of those who attended
- If required by the local Health Unit: PPE for volunteers, hand sanitizer, cleaning procedures, attendee requirements (masks etc)
- A procedure document for volunteer safety including proper cleaning, PPE, and sanitizing. This document should be shared with volunteers as well
- The requirements of the local Health Unit in your area
- A letter from the Health Unit approving the event in writing if of a larger nature, and also recommendations to be followed. The Health Unit has the final say on all activity. If your membership does not follow the laws or requirements put in place by that Health Unit they could be held legally responsible. Just a reminder, your insurance plan does not defend criminal prosecution, fines, penalties, etc. All Societies should refer to the local Health Unit for direction to protect themselves when holding meetings and events, and learn the law and requirements set out.
- The Arboretum in Guelph is offering some virtual programs this fall. For registration and further information please go to our website: https://www.uoguelph.ca/arboretum/educationandevents/workshops
- Stay in touch… organize a video chat by using a free service called Zoom
**Before you set it up though, please make sure you password protect your video chats so others can’t join. Here’s how: Zoom safely: How to password-protect your meetings | ZDNet
Support Us and Donate to the OHA!
We are a charitable organization, run by volunteers, whose mission is to promote, educate and encourage an interest in all areas of horticulture and related environmental issues in Ontario through an expanding network of horticultural societies dedicated to the beautification of their communities. The OHA depends on volunteer support and charitable donations to fund many of its key activities.
Please consider supporting the OHA with a charitable donation. Your donation helps to provide grants for trees and fund community beautification projects throughout Ontario, programs for conservation and the environment, youth, and horticulture. You may direct gifts to any OHA program or to the ongoing work of the OHA.
Please visit our Donation Page for more information.
Garden Shop Order Form
Check out our new Garden Shop page for more information.
We offer a selection of gift items for gardeners, service pins to recognize those long-serving members of your Society, and books and guides published by the Association for sale. Please use our convenient order form to send in your order today! You will receive an invoice when your order is processed, and payment can be mailed at that time. Please make all cheques payable to the Ontario Horticultural Association and contact the Supplies Coordinator by email at supplies@gardenontario.org if you have any questions.
Annual Reporting Requirements for Horticultural Societies
OHA Reporting:
The OHA Annual Information Report for Societies is required to be submitted each year before the first of February. We appreciate all the work that goes into preparing this information as it forms the basis of our OHA annual report and provides insight into the progress of the various societies that make up our 19 districts within the province of Ontario.
All reporting is submitted online using our reporting form. To complete your report, make sure you have a login and the appropriate access. This report combines the annual society report and the volunteer hours report. It reduces the time required and makes reporting easier.
Also, download this handy form to help tally your society’s volunteer hours.
Please visit here for a report training video: Annual Information Report Education Session/Awards and Grants Program Highlights
The OMAFRA Annual Report is NOT an OHA report:
The OHA does NOT manage or maintain this process and Societies should NOT be calling or emailing anyone at the OHA regarding their OMAFRA annual information report.
For more information about the OMAFRA Annual Return and Grant Application, please visit them directly at OMAFRA’s Website.
How to submit Annual Returns to OMAFRA Webinar Video and Documentation:
Cyber Security Quicktips
Useful information to protect yourself against online scammers.
Cyber Security Education Session-20221106
Video Password: fRqrbb5P
Insurance Forms & Important Information
Details of insurance coverage for societies have been posted below. Abuse coverage is intended to respond to any act or threat involving molestation, harassment, personal punishment or any other form of physical, sexual, or mental abuse. Any organization that delivers services for children should make certain they have “abuse liability coverage” .
For bus waivers and release forms, please go to Waivers and Release Forms below.
Insurance Forms
Request an Insurance Certificate from Co-operators
Log in and Request an Insurance Certificate from Co-operators. Please send only one request at a time. This form opens in a new tab.
Please address questions about insurance coverage by sending an email to us here.
Downloadable Insurance Forms:
Manual Request Form for Certificate of Insurance in Acrobat (pdf)
Bonding & Abuse Form (pdf)
Complete this form to purchase additional bonding insurance for your Treasurer or to purchase abuse insurance for your Youth Club or Society membership.
OHA Society, Club & District Liability Insurance Program Incident Report (pdf)
This form is to be filled out and must accompany all claims for insurance.
Blanket Vendors Form (pdf)
Vendor Insurance with DUUO
Complete these two forms for Seedy Saturdays, AGMS, etc. where non-food vendors are present.
Useful Guides & Information About Our Insurance Policy:
OHA Insurance Coverage (pdf)
Planned Event Slip Trip & Fall Prevention Assessment (pdf)
Know About Fire Extinguishers (pdf)
Co-operators Insurance
Did you know Ontario Horticultural Association members get preferred rates with Co-operators Group Home and Auto insurance program?
For more information, please go to the Home and Auto Insurance page.
Manuals and Guides
We offer manuals and guides to help create and run a society within the OHA.
Download a printable brochure explaining the benefits of belonging to the OHA.
Manuals and Guides
What does it mean to be a District in Good Standing?
What does it mean to be a Society in Good Standing?
Download these society quick start guides:
Brochure, General Guide for Societies (pdf)
Download this handy Garden Tour Check List to help you plan your next garden tour event.
Awards and Grants Booklet
The OHA believes that members who show strong leadership and active participation within a society should be recognized. Here is the latest copy of the Awards + Grants Booklet . Click each award or grant name for the application form. Each pdf form has been created as a “fillable form” so all you need to do is click in the space and type to fill it in. Please download, fill in, and email the following forms, in pdf format, to nominate someone for an award or apply for a grant (there are also links for reporting and submitting receipts afterwards):
Award Nomination Forms
Horticultural Service Certificate
Ontario Judging and Exhibiting Certificate
Downloadable Award Certificates
Grant Application & Reporting Forms
Special Project or Environmental Grant
Special Project or Environmental Grant
Judges Corner:
OHA Guidelines for Virtual Shows & Photography Judging Video:
Virtual Judging Updates
Don’t miss these great resources for virtual judging:
JUDGING UPDATE Virtual Houseplant Show – March 1
JUDGING UPDATE Virtual Design Show – February 22
Shows and Judging Forms
Use our online Judges Directory List to find show judges in your area. Unless otherwise noted, all requests, once verified, will be listed on our website. Judges who do not wish to be publicly listed, please Send us an email.
Covid-19 has affected the ability of Judges to participate in 2020 events that would count towards their credential requirements. The lack of opportunities to enter shows, take updates, give demonstrations/talks, attend seminars or presentations means that those Judges who would have the year 2020 as part of their 3-year renewal period are at a disadvantage.
To address this issue judge’s renewal dates will be deferred as follows:
- 2021 renewal dates will be deferred to 2022,
- 2022 renewal dates will be deferred to 2023, and
- 2023 renewal dates will be deferred to 2024
If you have any questions about this please contact us at ohajudges@gmail.com
All judges will be notified by the OHA Judges Registrar of these deferrals. It is hoped that 2021 will have opportunities to participate in credentials events. Please make sure you take advantage, if possible, of any virtual Judges updates. Virtual demonstrations, seminars, and presentations on design and horticulture taken by judges or given by judges will also count. Please keep track of times, dates, and topics covered for your renewal form. Please print off a revised renewal form (updated Oct 27/20).
Information on Judges Updates will be posted on the web as soon as the Judging Committee becomes aware of them. Districts are asked to keep the Judging Committee advised of judges updates they are offering by emailing: ohajudges@gmail.com
Judging Forms
OHA Certified Judge Application Form
This application form is for newly graduated judges of OHA Judging Schools.
It enables a qualified judge to have their name added to the Judges List.
OHA Certified Judge Renewal Application Form
Judges are required to re-certify every 3 years to remain in good standing with the OHA.
Re-certification provides information to show that a judge is maintaining and improving
her/his knowledge & skills and continues to exhibit in flower shows.
Otherwise Certified Judge Application
Judges who hold certification in other organizations can apply to have their names
included on our Judges List.
Speaker’s Receipt for Judging School or Judging Update
This form provides a receipt for a speaker during a Judging School or Judging Update.
Grant Application for Funding of Judging Schools or Updates
The OHA has a fund that allows Districts to apply for partial reimbursement of costs
associated with the running of a Judging School or Judging Update.
Photography-Video-Testimonials Waiver and Release Form
Speakers List
Use our handy Speakers List to access speakers in your area. Please make arrangements and confirm requirements directly with each speaker for your event.
To become an OHA Speaker, please send us an email for more information.
Waivers and Release Forms
A waiver and release form is a risk management tool that can be used to reduce the likelihood of a claim or lawsuit being brought against your club/district. It can also enhance communication and understanding between all participating parties. Bus waivers are to be used whenever a bus trip is involved – either for OHA events, such as conventions, or society events. Read More here.
Download Waivers and Release Forms
Please use these two forms when a bus trip is involved – either for OHA events, such as conventions, or Society events.
Bus Waiver form for OHA events and Bus Waiver form for Society events (read more about the bus waivers in this description)
Also use this form for obtaining permission when taking photos and video.
Youth Club
Please download our NEW colouring pages for some family friendly fun.
Forms and Applications for Youth
Reta Caldwell Youth Environmental Award: About and Application
OHA Youth Standards
This guide represents the necessary elements (Leadership responsibilities, program standards, OHA policies, definitions and sample request for a Vulnerable Sector Police Records Check Form) for a viable youth program.
Youth Leader Code of Conduct Form
To be filled out by youth leaders.
Youth Club Permission Form
To be filled out by individual youth members.
Youth Help Program Grant
Please see the Awards and Grants Booklet for current and next year’s form.
Youth Program Police Check Grant
In an effort to lessen the financial impact on Societies/Clubs and those who interact with children/youth or other vulnerable sector persons, the OHA offers a grant towards some of the cost for these checks. Please download this form for all the details.
Youth Program Police Check Letter
Police check letter. Please download this form for all the details.
Other forms that may be of interest:
2023 Youth Entry Sheet PDF (docx)
Youth Competition, together with Entry Form and Entry Tag
Photography-Video-Testimonials Waiver and Release Form
For more information about organizing a youth club, please see our Get Involved Page.
Website Support
To request assistance with any of our website(s), report an error or broken link, or access any of our training guides, please visit our Support Page.
Organizational Links and Resources
Resources and websites to help you grow in your gardening endeavours.
Please note these websites are not managed, maintained, nor endorsed by the Ontario Horticultural Association (commonly referred to as OHA or GardenOntario) and, as such, we are not responsible for the content.
Canada’s Plant Hardiness Site
This site explores the relationship between plants and climate across Canada. One portion of the site is dedicated to plant hardiness zone maps.
Environment Canada
This site is a comprehensive source of information related to the environment and the weather.
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
This government ministry is responsible for the food,, agriculture, and rural sectors of Ontario.
Bee City Canada
Bee City Canada’s mission is to inspire cities, towns, First Nations, schools, businesses and other organizations to take action to protect pollinators.
Canadian Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society
The Society’s mission is to encourage interest in the cultivation of chrysanthemums and dahlias.
Canadian Hemerocallis Society
A site that offers resources for daylily growers.
Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association
Learn how the use of plants, horticultural activities, and the garden landscape can promote well-being.
Canadian Organic Growers (COG)
COG is Canada’s organic hub.
Canadian Peony Society
A site dedicated to peony enthusiasts.
Canadian Rose Society
A site dedicated to the study and cultivation of roses.
City Farmer
Canadian Urban Agriculture notes.
Compost Council of Canada
Everything you want to know about compost and more!
Conservation Council of Ontario
The CCO is a provincial association dedicated to conservation in Ontario.
This organization actively engages Canadians in creating and sustaining healthy urban environments in schools, public spaces, in housing and transit systems, and communities themselves.
Field Botanists of Ontario
The FBO is dedicated to botany and conservation in the province of Ontario.
Forests Ontario
This organization supports forest restoration, stewardship, education, and awareness.
Garden Clubs of Ontario (GCO)
The purpose of the GCO is to stimulate knowledge of horticulture and the art of floral design.
Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association
An association that represents, promotes, and fosters a favourable climate for the advancement of the horticulture industry in Ontario.
LEAF: Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests
A non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the urban forest.
Master Gardeners of Ontario (MGOI)
Master Gardeners of Ontario Inc. is committed to helping home gardeners. Free advice is available by contacting a group near you.
Nature Canada
Formerly known as the Canadian Nature Federation, this organization seeks to protect and conserve wildlife and habitats in Canada.
North American Native Plant Society (NANPS)
This site is committed to preserving native plant habitat in wild areas and restoring indigenous flora to developed areas.
Ontario Daylily Society
A non-profit organization that promotes and educates the gardening public about daylilies.
Ontario Delphinium Club
A group of members who get together each July to discuss, show, and exchange information on Delphiniums.
Ontario Ferns
Online field guide to Ontario’s ferns.
Ontario Grasses
Online field guide to Ontario’s grasses.
Ontario Herbalists Association
This association promotes safe and natural healing with plant medicines.
Ontario Hosta Society
This site is a great resource for hosta lovers.
Ontario Insects
This site is dedicated to the promotion of insects.
Ontario Invasive Plant Council
OIPC is committed to the collaboration of organizations and citizens to respond more effectively to the threat of invasive plants in Ontario.
Ontario Iris Society
This Society strives to encourage, improve, and extend the cultivation of the genus Iris.
Ontario Regional Lily Society
The group exists to encourage the cultivation, knowledge and enjoyment of lilies.
Ontario Rock Garden & Hardy Plant Society
This society focuses on alpine plants and related hardy perennials and the creation of rock gardens.
Ontario Trees and Shrubs
Online field guide to Ontario’s trees and shrubs.
Ontario Wildflowers
Online field guide to Ontario’s wildflowers
Perennial Plant Association
This is a trade association composed of growers, retailers, landscape designers, and contractors devoted to perennials.
Seed Change
Seed Change Canada works with family farmers and seed savers in 12 countries around the world, including Canada.
Seeds of Diversity Canada (SoDC)
This organization seeks out, preserves, perpetuates, studies, and encourages the cultivation of heirloom and endangered varieties of food crops and educates the public about their use.
Sustain Ontario-Community Garden Network
Sustain connects community garden leaders to share best practices, strategies, and solutions.
Toronto Cactus and Succulent Club
A group of enthusiasts who want to learn more about the culture of these plants.
Toronto Community Garden Network
A network of members committed to making community gardens an integral part of city life.
Trees Ontario
Trees Ontario acts as the forest restoration arm of Forests Ontario.
Royal Botanical Gardens (RBG)
The RBG is headquartered in Burlington and also owns extensive natural areas and gardens lands in Hamilton, Ontario,
Toronto Botanical Garden (TBG)
The gardens are designed to educate and inspire, spanning four acres within Toronto’s Don Valley Ravine.
Canada Blooms, Toronto
This is Canada’s largest flower and garden festival.
Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto
The CNE Garden Show is the largest flower and vegetable growing competition in Canada.
Communities in Bloom
A national program committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility, and beautification through community involvement.
Get the Jump on Spring, Toronto Botanical Garden (TBG)
TBG’s annual Horticultural Open House.
Go Wild, Grow Wild, London
Join the largest gathering of the region’s businesses, organizations, and groups committed to growing a greener future.
Hamilton Fall Garden & Mum Show
This show features over 200 varieties of chrysanthemums!
International Plowing Match and Rural Expo
The site of North America’s largest agricultural and rural expo rotates around the province.
Peterborough Garden Show, Peterborough
This annual fundraiser is organized by the Peterborough Horticultural Society.
GreenUP Ecology Garden
GreenUP Ecology Park, located in Peterborough, is a five acre showcase of sustainable landscape ideas and resources.
Guelph Enabling Garden
The Guelph Enabling Garden (GEG) is a multi-use garden designed for everyone, especially those community members with varying degrees of physical and cognitive abilities.
Thrive-Using Gardening to Change Lives
Thrive in the UK uses gardening to bring about positive changes in the lives of people living with disabilities or ill health, or are isolated, disadvantaged, or vulnerable.
Lee Valley Tools
Lee Valley Tools offers high-quality gardening tools and supplies and other products.
Natural Insect Control
NIC offers natural insect controls and eco-friendly green products for the home, garden, and orchard.
Rittenhouse is a source of gardening tools and landscaping equipment.
Carry on Gardening
This website provides general information for all disabled gardeners. Learn about which garden tools and equipment make most garden tasks easier and which methods to use. They also share helpful tips and tricks on how to garden with specific medical conditions.
Community Gardens Toolkit
This toolkit was developed by Food Banks Canada to help support those who wish to start a community garden at their Food Bank. This guide provides all the information you need to successfully organize, plant, and harvest a community garden.
Community Gardens Themes & Ideas
Evergreen offers a wide variety of downloadable resources related to gardening.
Plant a Row – Grow A Row
PARGAR is a program operating in many Canadian communities that promotes sharing the harvest with others in the community to assist in feeding people who are hungry.
The joy of gardening: how to embrace outdoor space to maximise wellbeing
Having some outdoor space – whether that’s a courtyard, garden or balcony – is a fantastic opportunity. Growing our own vegetables or plants, watching them thrive or simply enjoying the sights and smells of nature
Guerrilla Gardening.org
Check out this site on guerrilla gardening that offers tips and tricks on beautifying neighbourhoods under the cloak of darkness.
Grow Me Instead (Northern Ontario)
This booklet promotes the use of native and non- invasive alternatives for healthy, diverse, wildlife-friendly gardens in Northern Ontario.
Grow Me Instead (Southern Ontario)
This booklet promotes the use of native and non- invasive alternatives for healthy, diverse, wildlife-friendly gardens in Southern Ontario.
Ontario Weeds
OMAFRA’s Publication 505 provides descriptions and photos of weeds found in Ontario.
Evergreen Native Plant Database
The Database includes detailed information on native trees, shrubs, wildflowers, grasses, aquatic, and vine species from all regions of Canada.
Northern Ontario Plant Database
The Northern Ontario Plant Database (NOPD) is a website that provides free public access to records of herbarium specimens housed in northern Ontario educational and government institutions.
FTD has put together a visual resource that they hope will be both interesting and useful.
The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.
Canadian Wildlife Federation
CWF offers their WILD Spaces Certification program to recognize the amazing efforts Canadians are taking to meet the habitat needs of wildlife.
Be Part of the Buzz…Plant a Pollinator Friendly Garden Today
This 2017 brochure outlines the OHA Pollinator Initiative.
Pollination Canada
Pollination Canada aims to engage the public with educational awareness, coupled with meaningful actions, in the areas of citizen science, pollination ecology, as well as on-farm and garden pollinator management. A wealth of resources is provided.
Pollinator Friendly Plant Lists
The Xerces Society offers plant lists that are pollinator friendly that can be downloaded…
Pollinator Health Action Plan
The Pollinator Health Action Plan outlines the government actions to improve the health of Ontario’s wild pollinators and managed bees.
Creating a Wildlife Habitat in Your Backyard
A habitat is a combination of food, water, shelter, and space arranged to meet the needs of wildlife. Even a small yard can be landscaped to attract birds, butterflies, beneficial insects, and small animals.
Canadian Seed Catalogue Index
Seeds of Diversity provides a comprehensive list to help you find commercial seed sources in Canada.
Canadian Seed Library
Canada’s Seeds of Diversity offers a collection of over 2900 regionally-adapted and rare seed varieties, backing up the work of our member seed savers and Canadian heritage seed companies. Check out the Adopt A Seed program as well.
Community Seed Libraries
Community seed libraries protect genetic diversity in our food system and promote public access to seeds.
Micro-Seedbanking – A primer on setting up and running a community seed bank
This booklet is written for community seed banks, but you can use the same techniques for your own personal seed collection at home.