Welcome to the OHA Resource Library
Our Resource Library is filled with forms, guides, manuals, and more. All are designed to help you communicate or organize within the OHA. All documents listed below are available for download in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format opening in a new tab/window. If you need a free Acrobat Reader, please visit adobe.ca.
To use our forms, please download the form and save it on your computer. There are two formats, either a “fillable” or regular pdf. A fillable pdf can be opened on your computer and filled in by typing in each field. Don’t forget to save this new file so you can send it in by email. A regular pdf can be printed out and filled in manually. Please print clearly, scan, and send it to the email address listed on the form.
Update January 25, 2022
Update July 12, 2021
Update June 15, 2021
Stay at Home Order Extended to May 16, 2021:
Both the provincial declaration of emergency and the Stay-at-Home order (O.Reg 265/21) have been extended for an additional two weeks to help stop the spread of COVID-19. The Stay-at-Home order currently in effect requires everyone to remain at home except for specified purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services (including getting vaccinated), for outdoor exercise, or for work that cannot be done remotely.”
*Note: This order means that a group of members cannot work in a municipal garden. But, if individuals work alone in a garden – this could be classified as exercise.
Please read our latest update and guidance regarding the impact this pandemic is having on meetings and events. We also hope the following information, tools, and resources will help. We will update this section as we learn more.
All societies must complete the OMAFRA Application Form on an annual basis and all sections are required except for the Grant section. The 2021 Grant monies have already been sent to all eligible Societies/Clubs. This early payment was based upon whether or not a Society/Club was eligible in 2020 for a grant. OMAFRA is currently working on a new form for the OMAFRA Annual Report. It is not ready yet and a projected date is not possible at this point. Please see the following OHA memo for more.
OMAFRA will require Societies/Clubs to report their financials for the year on their new OMAFRA Annual Report Form. Once the “reviewers” have completed their work reviewing/auditing the financials, the final report and financials will need to go to the Society/Club Executive for approval. There is no need for the financials to go to an AGM for approval as far as OMAFRA is concerned although a society/club should try to do so. It is understood that for transparency for the Society/Club membership, the financials should be dealt with during the AGM however, considering the current and ongoing situation with COVID-19, AGMs are not always possible or practical for all Societies/Clubs. Please see the following OHA memos on a) Financial Statements; and b) Holding an AGM for more.
Shawn LePalm, our insurance agent, states that there is NO coverage for pandemic illness on the OHA policy. No policy really has this coverage available. He suggests that if you are going to be holding any events, that you contact the local health unit, as they are the governing body on what can and cannot be done. If your event meets the local health unit’s requirements, you are allowed to proceed with the event following all protocols and safety guidelines they put in place. It is imperative that your society follow your local health unit’s protocols and guidelines at all times, and check back with them frequently to make sure you are following the latest set of rules, as they seem to be changing rapidly across the country.
Volunteers and members are also included in all these guidelines. Best practices are to always wear a mask and have proper hand sanitizer on hand, and finally keep a tracking list of all people attending your event.
Rental Spaces:
Shawn also notes that the new normal for events and facility rentals, because there is NO pandemic insurance coverage, is for most Townships and facilities to ask you to sign a waiver. The Township and/or facility, however, is responsible for making sure the environment they are renting has been cleaned and sanitized before renting. See the following memo from the OHA about rental agreements for more.
Your organization should develop, if not already in place, policy and procedures for holding events. This will include but not limited to:
- Proper screening of those attending
- Tracking form of those who attended
- If required by the local Health Unit: PPE for volunteers, hand sanitizer, cleaning procedures, attendee requirements (masks etc)
- A procedure document for volunteer safety including proper cleaning, PPE, and sanitizing. This document should be shared with volunteers as well
- The requirements of the local Health Unit in your area
- A letter from the Health Unit approving the event in writing if of a larger nature, and also recommendations to be followed. The Health Unit has the final say on all activity. If your membership does not follow the laws or requirements put in place by that Health Unit they could be held legally responsible. Just a reminder, your insurance plan does not defend criminal prosecution, fines, penalties, etc. All Societies should refer to the local Health Unit for direction to protect themselves when holding meetings and events, and learn the law and requirements set out.
- The Arboretum in Guelph is offering some virtual programs this fall. For registration and further information please go to our website: https://www.uoguelph.ca/arboretum/educationandevents/workshops
- Stay in touch… organize a video chat by using a free service called Zoom
**Before you set it up though, please make sure you password protect your video chats so others can’t join. Here’s how: Zoom safely: How to password-protect your meetings | ZDNet
Support Us and Donate to the OHA!
We are a charitable organization, run by volunteers, whose mission is to promote, educate and encourage an interest in all areas of horticulture and related environmental issues in Ontario through an expanding network of horticultural societies dedicated to the beautification of their communities. The OHA depends on volunteer support and charitable donations to fund many of its key activities.
Please consider supporting the OHA with a charitable donation. Your donation helps to provide grants for trees and fund community beautification projects throughout Ontario, programs for conservation and the environment, youth, and horticulture. You may direct gifts to any OHA program or to the ongoing work of the OHA.
Please visit our Donation Page for more information.
Garden Shop Order Form
Check out our new Garden Shop page for more information.
We offer a selection of gift items for gardeners, service pins to recognize those long-serving members of your Society, and books and guides published by the Association for sale. Please use our convenient order form to send in your order today! You will receive an invoice when your order is processed, and payment can be mailed at that time. Please make all cheques payable to the Ontario Horticultural Association and contact the Supplies Coordinator by email at supplies@gardenontario.org if you have any questions.
Annual Reporting Requirements for Horticultural Societies
OHA Reporting:
The OHA Annual Information Report for Societies is required to be submitted each year before the first of February. We appreciate all the work that goes into preparing this information as it forms the basis of our OHA annual report and provides insight into the progress of the various societies that make up our 19 districts within the province of Ontario.
All reporting is submitted online using our reporting form. To complete your report, make sure you have a login and the appropriate access. This report combines the annual society report and the volunteer hours report. It reduces the time required and makes reporting easier.
Also, download this handy form to help tally your society’s volunteer hours.
Please visit here for a report training video: Annual Information Report Education Session/Awards and Grants Program Highlights
OMAFA Annual Reports
In December 2024 and January 2024 there are training sessions to help horticultural associations submit OMAFA reports.
How to submit Annual Returns to OMAFA Webinar Video and Documentation:
Consent to Hold Office Form
Societies/Clubs will need to follow the requirements of Section 24 (8) of Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporations Act related to the elections and/or appointments of board members.
(8) An individual who is elected or appointed to hold office as a director is not a director, and is deemed not to have been elected or appointed to hold office as a director, unless the individual consents in writing to hold office as a director before or within 10 days after the election or appointment.
It is required that all persons elected or appointed to a position submit their written consent to hold their office/position.
Please ensure that at all Society/Club AGMs, all persons elected or appointed be advised to submit their written consent within ten (10) days of the respective AGMs.
Following the AGMs and throughout the year, any person appointed or elected to a position in a Society/Club must also submit their written consent to hold office within ten (10) days of attaining their office/position.
All such written consents should be submitted to and be held by the Society/Club Secretary. A copy should also be kept by the person signing the document.
Please be advised that there is supplemental guidance contained in Sections (9) and (10) of Section 24 that allow lea way for such written consent and the need for written consent which read:
Later consent
(9) Despite subsection (8), if an individual elected or appointed consents in writing after the period mentioned in that subsection, the election or appointment is valid.
(10) Subsection (8) does not apply to a director who is re-elected or reappointed where there is no break in his or her term of office.
Cyber Security Quicktips
Useful information to protect yourself against online scammers.
Downloadable Logos
OHA Logo
Co-operators Insurance
Did you know Ontario Horticultural Association members get preferred rates with Co-operators Group Home and Auto insurance program?
For more information, please go to the Home and Auto Insurance page.
Manuals and Guides
We offer manuals and guides to help create and run a society within the OHA.
Download a printable brochure explaining the benefits of belonging to the OHA.
Download a MS Word template that you can use to list the benefits of belonging to your horticultural society for prospective members.
Manuals and Guides
What does it mean to be a District in Good Standing?
What does it mean to be a Society in Good Standing?
Download these society quick start guides:
Brochure, General Guide for Societies (pdf)
Society Financial Review Certificate
Download this handy Garden Tour Check List to help you plan your next garden tour event.
Speakers List
Use our handy Speakers List to access speakers in your area. Please make arrangements and confirm requirements directly with each speaker for your event.
To become an OHA Speaker, please send us an email for more information.
Youth Club
Please download our NEW colouring pages for some family friendly fun.
Forms and Applications for Youth
Reta Caldwell Youth Environmental Award: About and Application
OHA Youth Standards
This guide represents the necessary elements (Leadership responsibilities, program standards, OHA policies, definitions and sample request for a Vulnerable Sector Police Records Check Form) for a viable youth program.
Youth Leader Code of Conduct Form
To be filled out by youth leaders.
Youth Club Permission Form
To be filled out by individual youth members.
Youth Help Program Grant
Please see the Awards and Grants Booklet for current and next year’s form.
Youth Program Police Check Grant
In an effort to lessen the financial impact on Societies/Clubs and those who interact with children/youth or other vulnerable sector persons, the OHA offers a grant towards some of the cost for these checks. Please download this form for all the details.
Youth Program Police Check Letter
Police check letter. Please download this form for all the details.
Other forms that may be of interest:
2023 Youth Entry Sheet PDF (docx)
Youth Competition, together with Entry Form and Entry Tag
Photography-Video-Testimonials Waiver and Release Form
For more information about organizing a youth club, please see our Get Involved Page.
Website Support
To request assistance with any of our website(s), report an error or broken link, or access any of our training guides, please visit our Support Page.