COVID-19 and the Reopening of Ontario

COVID-19 and the Reopening of Ontario

The Ontario government is moving the province into Step 3 of the COVID-19 reopening plan on July 16, nearly a week earlier than previously expected. Provincial officials said masks and face coverings will remain in place in indoor public settings throughout Step 3 as...
Nomination Report 2021 Convention

Nomination Report 2021 Convention

Nomination Report for 2021 Convention – London It is with great pleasure that the OHA Nominating Committee presents the following slate of officers for election at the upcoming convention in London: Charles Freeman has been nominated to stand as President by the...
The OJES 2019 is Here!

The OJES 2019 is Here!

Revising OJES has been a joint project of the Ontario Horticultural Association (OHA) and the Garden Clubs of Ontario (GCO). It has been a major project that has involved input from societies, members, technical experts, and judges of both organizations. This revision...