Revising OJES has been a joint project of the Ontario Horticultural Association (OHA) and the Garden Clubs of Ontario (GCO). It has been a major project that has involved input from societies, members, technical experts, and judges of both organizations. This revision was completed with the goal of making OJES (2019) an updated, renewed, inspirational, and stimulating resource for schedule writers, show organizers, exhibitors, and judges alike. It has been what seems like a long journey, but revising a technical manual is no easy feat, and it was accomplished by very dedicated volunteers who worked long and hard to make this a great new resource.
So, what is new in OJES 2019?
- Updated Horticultural resource material, updates on old favorites like Hosta’s, etc. and the addition of many new plants that have been appearing on Show Tables in recent years.
- A very new look at Design. A streamlined way of judging with just one Scale of Points for all Designs. New design styles have been added.
- The Glossary has been updated and expanded with many more definitions to help exhibitors and judges in both Design, Horticulture and Special Exhibits.
- A new separate Division for Special Exhibits.
- Updates to Youth and Special Garden Plantings.
- Improved and updated formatting to make for easier reading. Ease of finding information, with a more detailed table of content, alphabetization of information in things like plant names and types and improved consistence in the presentation of information.
Here are some of the key updates presented at this year’s Convention in Windsor. Members of the OHA Judging Committee will also be pleased to come give a talk at societies and judges updates upon request. Send us an email for more info and check out our Show Page for more info.
Put your old version away as a memento and get your order in soon. The cost is just $10.00 from our GardenShop.