We are excited to share the link to our Earth Day Celebration video which took place on April 19, 2024.

The OHA was very excited to have Claudette Sims speak at our Earth Day Celebration where she discussed “A Gardening Conundrum:  Why are invasive plants sold in nurseries?  Invasive plants are a threat to biodiversity, human health and our economy. They threaten native plants, insects, animals and our forests. So why are they still sold in nurseries? This talk will answer that question and suggest actions that we can all take to safeguard biodiversity.

We also had the OHA’s Conservation & Environmental Committee share “What’s New for Societies/Clubs” and who provided an excellent presentation on  “Harmful Foreign Species Have Invaded Ontario – Learn how you can help stop the spread“. As discussed in the video, we have attached the plant sale information documents, flower show guidelines and invasive species document.

To round out a wonderful evening of learning, we heard from District 7 & 8 on the excellent convention scheduled for July 12-14, 2024 in Guelph, Ontario. Fabulous speakers, bus trips, vendors, silent auction, entertainment and awards banquet and so much more!!

Special thanks goes out to Claudette Sims, Sandra Rammelaere, Joyce Schlegel, Debi Foster, Karen Redmond, Kathy Bouma and OHA President, Sharlene Desjardins for making it a very successful evening!


We have some excellent resources to share with everyone, care of Claudette Sims:

Invasive Plant Removal

Invasive Plant Fact Sheets for Gardeners (Claudette/Master Gardeners)

Invasive Plant Alternatives and native plant lists

From Thames Valley Conservation

In Our Nature Resources Plant Lists

Forest Gene Conservation has native plant lists for specific areas in Ontario