The OHA is thrilled to announce our Scholarship Program, designed to empower OHA members or family members to achieve their academic goals in a horticultural related field . Let’s create a better tomorrow through education!
Also be sure to check with your local Horticultural Society and District to see what kind of educational support they offer!

Use this poster to spread the word about the scholarship program
Awards and Grants Booklet
The OHA believes that members who show strong leadership and active participation within a society should be recognized. Here is the latest copy of the Awards & Grants Booklet.
Click each award or grant name for the application form. Each pdf form has been created as a “fillable form” so all you need to do is click in the space and type to fill it in. Please download, fill in, and email the following forms, in pdf format, to nominate someone for an award or apply for a grant (there are also links for reporting and submitting receipts afterwards).
Award Nomination Forms
- Awards available for members and presented by the Society
- Awards available to youth programs
- Awards available by nomination for members and presented by their respective districts
- Awards given by the Ontario Horticultural Association
- Honour Roll
- Special Awards
Downloadable Award Certificates
Please note that the following certificates have a space for you to upload the logo of your District or Society into the document. To do this, you must use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the certificate; if you open it in your web browser (Chrome/Firefox/Safari, etc.), the logo upload will not work.
Grant Application and Reporting Forms
OHA Grants Available to Societies
- Accessibility Grant
- Community Garden Grant
- Pollinator Project Grant
- Seedy Saturday/Sunday Grant
- Special Project or Environmental Grant
- Technical Advancement Grant Note that this grant is closed to further applications for 2025
- Tree Grant
- Youth Project Grant
- Youth Help Program Grant