Williamstown Green Thumb Horticultural Society

District 1

About Us

The Williamstown Green Thumbs are an active group of gardeners that just love to garden and to share our plants, our knowledge and our time with our community. We are a friendly club and are always delighted to have others join us. We enjoy learning about current garden practices at our monthly meetings, working together to share our plants at a huge annual plant sale as well as showing our flowers and produce at the Annual Flower Show and Victorian Tea.

We are also a practical group that is not afraid to tackle a wide range of civic improvements projects and has established youth gardens to teach youngsters to grow and use plants and produce-- we like to get our hands dirty! There's nothing like seeing other gardens to get inspired and so each year we organize a bus tour to gardens outside our area and local garden strolls. We would be delighted to have you join our gardening family for any of our activities.

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Our general meeting location is:

The CharLan Recreation Centre (arena) upstairs ( Handicap accessible facility)
19740 John Street, County Road 17, in Williamstown across from CharLan District High school
Williamstown K0C 2J0
Map It

The fee to join our society is:

Our yearly membership is $15 for a single and $25 for a couple which is defined as any two members of a family. Membership for youth under 18 years of age is free.

Society Contacts:
Title First/Last Name Email Phone
President Lia Lindeman lindeman.clan11@hotmail.com 613-347-3533
Vice President Nicole Winters nicolewinters@yahoo.com 343-370-2963
Past President Susan Ramsay susan.ramsay65@bell.net 613-347-2203
Treasurer Cathy Viau cathyviau4@gmail.com 613-347-2191
General Information:

Our monthly meetings are held the last Monday of each month in September, October, November, February, March & April at 7:00 pm excepting the February Pot Luck Meeting which begins at 6:00 pm

Join Us!

Visitors are always welcome to join us for any special event or to come to a meeting without paying a fee. Our yearly membership is $15 for a single and $25 for a couple which is defined as any two members of a family. Membership for youth under 18 years of age is free.