Argyle Horticultural Society

District 18

About Us

Argyle Horticultural Society was founded in 1982. Our floral emblem is the poppy.
We welcome you to our meetings and to come help with our many community events.
We plant and maintain 3 flower beds and 12 flower pots aropund the area and even put up a Christmas Tree at the Nursing Station.

Do give us a call or email to learn all the good stuff that is planned for 2022.


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Our general meeting location is:

Argyle Community Center
10812 Hwy 522
Arnstein P0H 1A0
Map It

The fee to join our society is:

$15 per person

Society Contacts:
Title First/Last Name Email Phone
President Benedikta Uetz-German
1st Vice President Marilyn Hilliard clear4@xplornet
Treasurer Lois Aldrich 705 757-3184
Secretary Audrey Ruston 705 757-4419
General Information:

1st Thursday March to June and August to December