Hello, Societies:

Great News!

After much time, emails, and phone calls with the Ontario Ministry of Agricultural, Food, and Rural Affairs, financial support is coming.

A huge thank you goes to Charles Freeman, our First Vice-President, who has worked tirelessly to get our plea out to the ministry that our societies needed funding to help get us through this pandemic so we could continue our good work.

All this hard work has resulted in:
a) your 2021 grant given to you without an application; and
b) extra funding announced this week.

For all the details, please read their full news release here.

How Does My Society Get This Funding?

All Societies should re-register with OMAFRA and they have co-op students who will call you to register your society for the grant announced this week. A different company is handling this grant. If you have not had your society AGM, please ask for an extension until November of this year and you will be in compliance with OMAFRA’s guidelines.

Along with Charles, all our officers are working diligently to keep our societies in good standing and able to do the community work that we all love so much.

Keep safe and well. Make sure you get your vaccine when it becomes available to you. Spring is coming!!

Katharine Smyth
President Ontario Horticultural Association