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Darryl Cheng

OHA Member

District 5



Districts Served
  • D04
  • D05
  • D06
  • D07
  • D15
  • D16
  • D17
  • D19

Darryl Cheng is the creator of the incredibly popular blog and Instagram account, House Plant Journal.
Darryl’s passion for plants and engineering approach have turned him into one of the most trusted resources
of the internet houseplant world. What was initially a hobby Tumblr page has turned into an Instagram
account with over half a million followers, a foundational houseplant care book entitled ‘The New Plant
Parent’, a game-changing online course, and plant time-lapse videos that have gone viral around the world.

  • Gardening
  • Houseplants
Speaking List
Houseplants An Engineer’s Approach to Houseplant Care If you follow traditional houseplant advice, you'll be left with disappointment because your plant is no longer "perfect". Darryl's approach breaks down the barriers to true, long-lasting enjoyment of houseplants - when you understand how plants work, you can gain a deeper appreciation for their character and more acceptance of how they'll grow. It's a healthy dose of practical science and realistic expectations. In person/zoom
Houseplant/Gardening Light: Most Important, Least Understood Outdoor gardeners generally have a good sense of their sunlight exposure and indoor grow ops have well documented instructions to follow - but houseplant owners are left with vague, hand-wavy directions like "bright indirect light" - which leads to dramatically different interpretations and results. In this talk, Darryl will reveal the secrets to understanding light with a particular focus on how it applies to houseplants - comparing natural light and grow lights. You will finally be able to make sense of light! In person/zoom
Gardening Time Lapse: Watching Plants Grow Plant growth takes days and weeks while humans notice changes in seconds and minutes. Using timelapse photography, Darryl has captured the magic of daily plant movements and leaves unfurling. Lighting and photography technology have come a long way, allowing us to watch plants grow! This talk will be filled with fascinating videos of plants in action and a behind-the-scenes look at how Darryl sets up his time lapse videos. In person/zoom


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