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Heather Jerrard

OHA Member

District 10



Districts Served
  • D01
  • D02
  • D03
  • D04
  • D12
  • D13
  • D18

Fanshawe College (Landscape Design) Graduate 2013-2016
 Horticulturalist, Whistling Gardens 2014
 Horticulturalist, RBG 2015
 Italy (6 weeks) + Spain (2 weeks) Garden History & Design Study Abroad 2015
 Designer & Project Manager, Rural Roots Landscaping 2016-2018
 Assistant Manager, Enhancements, TLC Landscaping 2018-2020
 Owner/Designer, My Landscape Artist 2020-present  Landscape Ontario Member 2013-present  Theatre & Film Actor 1998-present

  • Gardening
Speaking List
Gardening “Weird and Wonderful Plants” The plants in this presentation are not all native or edible. The inspiration and driving force behind this list I’ve put together is to excite the eyes, provide some unique specimens you may not have seen before, start conversations in gardens and HOPEFULLY – you’ll learn or see something new. Gardening
Gardening "A Day in the Life of a Landscape Designer" Created as a way to educate the public and students on what it is exactly we do, why it is important, and an excellent rewarding career! Gardening
Gardening "Garden Design Crash Course" *this is a 2-hour, interactive workshop (not a 1 hour presentation) This 2-hour intensive talk walks the audience through the entire process of creating a garden design from measuring, site inventory & analysis, plant selection, existing conditions/restrictions, drainage, design elements and much more. Gardening
Gardening "Plant Design Crash Course" A less-intensive version of the Garden Design Crash Course which focuses on plant selection, design and arrangement. Gardening
Gardening "Low-Maintenance Landscapes" (most requested) If your garden fills you with more dread than joy - it's time for a change! In this talk, I share some design tips, tricks and techniques for designing and caring for a garden - the EASY ways Gardening
Gardening I am also creating talks on the following subjects: Rain Gardens, Storm-Water Management and FLP (Fusion Landscape Professional designation) - "The Inward Garden": a deep dive into this fantastic book by Julie Moir Messervy - Gardens of Italy and Spain: a review of our 6- week class trip in 2015 to study Garden Design (Fanshawe College) - Gardens Inspired: Inspiring Gardens in Italy, Spain, Egypt, India, Cayman Islands, Ontario, British Columbia & Haiti - my personal experience Gardening


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