Use our handy Speakers list below to access speakers in your area. Please make arrangements and confirm requirements directly with each speaker for your event.



Marie Decker

OHA Member

District 6



Districts Served
  • D05
  • D06
  • D09
  • D15
  • D19

Member of the Oakville Horticultural Society, Hamilton and Burlington Rose Society, Canadian Rose Society, past member of Cloverleaf Garden Club.
Member of Royal Botanical Gardens
GCO/RBG Certified Judge in both design and horticulture.
I am already included on the OHA Judges List and am half way through course to complete OHA judging accreditation in both design and horticulture.
District Assistant District Director
Have spoken to many local garden clubs, horticulture socities, Probus Club, Canadian Women’s Club, Canada Blooms, Successful Gardening, OHA Convention Youth talk planned for 2020 and will be presented in 2021, OHA/GCO/RBG Judge’s Update. See attached pdf for additional information.

  • Edibles/Food
  • Floral Design
  • Judging/Shows
  • Workshop
Speaking List
Pruning How to Grow and Care for Roses Choosing the right rose, planting prep, proper planting prep, pruning, winter care Zoom/In person
Gardening Development of the RBG Rose Garden The concept, the planting, growing, companion plants, controlling disease and insects, the upgrades Zoom/In person
Vegetables Growing and Caring for Vegetables Seed, or transplant, choose the right plant, intercropping crop rotation, companion planting Zoom/In person
Vegetables Harvesting to Table Harvesting, seed gathering, preserving, freezing Zoom/In person
Herbs Growing and Caring for Herbs Seed, or transplant, choose the right plant, intercropping crop rotation, companion planting Zoom/In person
Herbs Harvesting to Table Harvesting, seed gathering, preserving, freezing Zoom/In person
Design Modern Mass, Line Design including water-view, crescent. Cascade, Frame etc. Zoom/In person
Monarch Butterflies How can we help? Life cycle, raising, providing food and habitat. Zoom/In person

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