At this time, events are being scheduled but may change without much notice depending on current covid-19 restrictions. Please check with the organizer for any you are interested in to get the most uptodate information.
We’re all aware of growing our own vegetables, but what about edible flowers? Not all flowers are safe to eat, but those that are can offer a unique burst of flavour and colour to many dishes. Join us on February 13th to learn which flowers are safe to eat, best practices for growing and harvesting them, as well as some culinary uses for a variety of edible flowers.
Our speaker, Sherry Dodson, is a member of the Durham Master Gardeners who believes that people and plants are naturally connected. Sherry has completed the Horticulturist Certificate from the University of Guelph as well as having a Certificate in Horticultural Therapy.
Post Seedy Saturday/Sunday events here.
Post your Society’s or District’s June events that occur during Garden Days here.