At this time, events are being scheduled but may change without much notice depending on current covid-19 restrictions. Please check with the organizer for any you are interested in to get the most uptodate information.
Agincourt Garden Club MONTHLY MEETING Monday, January 13 by Zoom! Using Zoom means we won’t have to drive on the slippery winter roads at night.
Zoom meetings are free to the public.
(If you don’t know how to use Zoom on your computer, please approach your younger tech savvy relatives; invite yourself over to your friend’s house and/or visit the local library, well before the meeting to practice. )
FYI, there is no flower show this meeting.
Start time: 7:00 pm Welcome to all novice, regular and expert gardeners and guests. Corniest gardening joke.
Headliner: Expert Catherine McGill will give us tips and present “The Ground is Getting Lower Every Year”
Announcements: updates on new projects, events and news
Socializing, gabbing, laughing but you will have to provide your own light refreshments this time!!!
Where: by Zoom, codes are posted on the Agincourt Garden Club Facebook Page / in the Agincourt Garden Club Newsletter ando
Meeting I.D. 889 4341 3067 Password 588948
Cheryl Gaw Penner
Post Seedy Saturday/Sunday events here.
Post your Society’s or District’s June events that occur during Garden Days here.