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Maxville and District Horticultural Society

District 1

About Us

The Maxville & District Horticultural Society was established in 1923 to promote horticulture and the beautification of our community. Following the many activities of 2023, in which we celebrated our 100-year Anniversary, we continue today, growing from the experience of past leaders, striving to learn new and interesting ideas. Our calendar highlighted many of these activities.

With the support of the Township of North Glengarry, 36 hanging baskets will be put up along with the tartan banners. The entrance to the village boxes and beds will all be planted, and the urns at the park, post office and arena. We will also add flowers by our new Memorial bench and tree in the cemetery. Piper Max will stand proud as we also join celebrations of our hometown, Glengarry Highland Games, 75th edition. A native maple tree will be planted on the grounds this year.

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Our general meeting location is:

Maxville Sports Complex. Dining Hall
25 Fair Street
Maxville K0C 1T0
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The fee to join our society is:

$20 each or $30 per couple

Society Contacts:
Title First/Last Name Email Phone
Co-President Glenda Villeneuve maxvilleflowers@gmail.com
Co-President Vivian Franklin vivianirenefranklin@gmail.com
Secretary Gayle MacLennan gaylemaclennan@msn.com
General Information:

Our general meetings are normally the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30. ( Mar., Apr., Sept., Oct.)

Event Schedule:
Event Name Date/Time Location Description
February General Meeting February 19th, at 6:30pm. Virtual shared with Gloucester and Vankleek Hill. Guest speaker Sean James, presentation “Keeping it Green-Keeping it Beautiful”
March General Meeting March 20th, at 6:30pm Maxville Sports Complex Our speaker Jason Smith, Red Robin Lawn Care.
April General Meeting April 17th, at 6:30pm Maxville Sports Complex we will have Bruce Dudley talking on Mini forests.
Plant Auction May 15th, at 6:30pm Maxville Sports Complex
Garden Tour June 28 Sunwheel Farm
Garden Tour July 24 Mike Coones’s Lily garden
Flower Show and Tea August 16th Maxville Manor
September General Meeting September 18th, at 6:30pm Maxville Sports Complex Our guest speakers will be Stephanie Allen and Jakob Vogel from Fields of Gold.
October General Meeting October 16th, at 6:30pm Maxville Sports Complex Our guest speaker will be Keshava Archibald presenting information from Golokal Microgreens.
Society AGM and Dinner November 20th Maxville Sports Complex Photo contest winners will be announced. More details to follow.
Christmas Contest. December 16th Judging and prizes awarded.
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