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London Fanshawe Horticultural Society

District 10

About Us

We welcome you to the London Fanshawe Horticultural Society.

Our membership includes all levels of gardeners: new home owners, novice gardeners, energetic gardeners, professional horticulturalists, and even master gardeners. We welcome all gardeners to our meetings!

Our society seeks to provide a variety of information for its members including floral design, landscaping principles, arboriculture basics, gardening tips and plant appreciation.

Monthly meetings are hosted with guest speakers providing presentations to enhance your gardening experience. Several special events are hosted each year including garden tours, bus trip, plant sale and even photography shows and flower shows

Community projects include working in partnership with local organizations to help improve their gardens and grounds. We work together to support the conservation of the local environment.

The London Fanshawe Horticultural Society provides financial support to a Fanshawe College student with a passion for continuing their education in horticulture.

We hope you find value in the information contained within our site and feel comfortable joining us for a meeting. May your gardens bring you joy!

See our Schedule in the Document Library below.

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Our general meeting location is:

Siloam United Church
1240 Fanshawe Park Road East (between Highbury Ave and Adelaide St)
London ON N5X 3Z8
Map It

The fee to join our society is:

$15.00 per year/person

Society Contacts:
Title First/Last Name Email Phone
President Bob Crowhurst londonfanshawehortsociety@gmail.com
Membership Director Marilyn Lyons londonfanshawehortsociety@gmail.com
Webmaster Brian Sherry londonfanshawehortsociety@gmail.com
General Information:

Monthly meetings are hosted with guest speakers providing presentations to enhance your gardening experience. Several special events are hosted each year including a members garden tour, bus trip and plant sale.

Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at
Siloam United Church 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
we meet in the gym - please use the rear door off the parking lot
lots of parking
wheelchair accessible
refreshments are served

Check our Schedule in the Document Library section below

Join Us!

Are you interested in gardening, plants, trees, dirt or just keeping busy while you are outside? We welcome new members! Please come to a meeting and then decide if you would like to join the London Fanshawe Horticultural Society.

Meetings are held once per month on the third Thursday of each month, except for July, August and December, from 7:00 - 9:00 at Siloam United Church. They usually consist of a business meeting, sharing of timely garden tips, speaker presentation, door prizes and social time.

The cost of an annual membership is $15. Please print out and complete the membership form and bring it to the next meeting. If you have any questions, please email our membership director at londonfanshawehortsociety@gmail.com.

Membership form and Supporter info in Document Library

Event Schedule:
Event Name Date/Time Location Description
Web Store & Membership Always Open https://london-fanshawe-horticultural-society.square.site/ Buy at Store or Pay Membership
Monthly Meeting January 16th-7 PM Siloam Church Brian Salt - Wildlife & People
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