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Glen Morris Horticultural Society

District 6

About Us

Welcome to the Glen Morris Horticultural Society!

Glen Morris is a small village situated in the northern part of Brant County. The Grand River bisects our village and provides a beautiful backdrop for our 11 community gardens. Our Society plants and maintains flowerbeds at the Library, Centennial Hall, Public School, United Church, and the Boat Launch.

The Glen Morris Horticultural Society is in District 6, also known as the Carolinian District. There are 21 Societies and Clubs in this large District. We are in the northern most section of this zone and have plants, shrubs, and trees that are unique to this area.

Our Society Meetings run from February to May and from September to November. We often have guest speakers and try to offer educational and fun activities throughout the year. Each year, we hold a Plant Sale, a Bus Trip, a Coffee Party, and co-host a Community BBQ. Everyone is welcome to attend these events. Society volunteers visit the Glen Morris Central Public School seven or eight times a year to provide horticultural activities to some of the school children.

Our Membership Drive is held in November. Your $15 membership fee supports the work we do in our community. Each member receives a copy of our monthly newsletter, "Garden Gleanings."

Thankfully, our Society has many volunteers who get involved in our activities. We have hosted District Meetings and have held very successful Garden Tours. Our Society has won many competitions in Communities in Bloom. This is quite the feat for such a small hamlet.

Please join us! We welcome anyone interested in gardening.


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Our general meeting location is:

Glen Morris United Church
453 East River Road
Glen Morris, ON N0B 1W0
Map It

The fee to join our society is:

$15 per person which includes a discount at local nurseries plus our monthly newsletter, "Garden Gleanings."

Society Contacts:
Title First/Last Name Email Phone
Steering Committee Cindy Briand, Margaret Fleury, Marlene Gilchrist gmhsd6@gmail.com
General Information:

Most of our meetings are held the first Monday of the month, 7:30 p.m., at the Glen Morris United Church. Regular meetings are held February to May and September to November. Refreshments are offered at 7 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7:30.

Event Schedule:
Event Name Date/Time Location Description
Nature Mandela Monday, February 5, 2024, 7:30 p.m. Glen Morris United Church Craft Night creating Mandela with dried flowers led by Lynn Leach
Tour of Ireland and Scotland Monday, March 4, 2024, 7:30 p.m. Glen Morris United Church Image tour presentation of Ireland and Scotland by Michele and Ronald Schraa
ButterflyWay Project Monday, April 8, 2024, 7:30 p.m. Glen Morris United Church Presented by Gwen Chapman
Forest Walk Saturday, May 4, 2024, 10:00 a.m. Foulds Conservation Area Led by Kyle McLoughlin
Plant Sale and Silent Auction Saturday, June 8, 2024 8:00 a.m. Glen Morris United Church Parkette Deliver donations by 7 a.m. Perennials and annuals for sale. A wonderful selection of items at Silent Auction.
Bus Trip Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 8:30 a.m. Meet at St. George Arena Community Centre Guelph Area
Coffee Party Monday, July 15, 2024, 10:00 a.m. Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead Bring $10 to cover gift exchange and a lawn chair. Refreshments will be provided. A great chance to catch up with friends and share gardening experiences.
Southern Ontario Seed Strategy Monday, September 9, 2024, 7:30 p.m. Glen Morris United Church Carolinian Canada: Biggest Wildlife Garden Seed Saving Discussion
The Serious Impact of Invasive Plants Saturday, October 19, 2024, 7:00 pm St. George Community Centre Joint meeting with St. George and Lynden, presenter Catherine Kavassalis
Annual Meeting and Potluck Monday, November 4, 2024, 6:30 p.m. Glen Morris United Church Bring your own place setting and a dish to share.
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