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Port Dover & Woodhouse Horticultural Society

District 6

About Us

The Port Dover & Woodhouse Horticultural Society has been meeting for over 120 years and we maintain a current membership of over 400. We also have an active Facebook Group with a membership of over 670 members too.
Membership in our society is open to anyone with an interest in gardening, plants and related topics whether a beginner or an accomplished gardener.
The society is responsible for planting and maintaining a number of Port Dover public gardens and raised beds of vegetables destined for the Port Dover Lifeline Food Bank.
Not sure you want to join? Come to a meeting and then make your decision. The public is always welcome with no obligation. You have an opportunity to ask questions and receive informed answers from knowledgeable gardeners at regular monthly meetings as well as hearing our monthly speakers.
You can participate in periodic flower, design and photography competitions.
There is no charge for admission to our monthly meetings.
Trophy's and cash awards are presented to members who have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in our flower shows.

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Our general meeting location is:

Grace United Church (corner of Chapman and St George streets)
18 Chapman Street West
Port Dover N0A 1N7
Map It

The fee to join our society is:

Single memberships are $10 and family $15.00

Society Contacts:
Title First/Last Name Email Phone
Secretary Georgia McCormick gannemc03@gmail.com
President Jenny Blunt jennyb01@execulink.com
General Information:

We meet the 3rd Thursday of the month from January to May and September and November. Meeting time is 7:00 pm. In June we usually have our annual bus trip, the pot luck picnic is held in July at Silver Lake Park Pavilion in Port Dover at 5:00 pm and our summer flower show is the 3rd Thursday in August at Grace United Church. Placement of flowers for this show is from 9:30 am to 12:30. The show is open to the public from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
The hall is wheelchair accessible.

Join Us!

All members receive 10% discount on plant materials at the following local garden centres: Eising Greenhouses and Garden Centre, Cockshutt Rd., Simcoe; South Coast Gardens, Front Rd., St. Williams;
Whistling Gardens, Wilsonville (Garden Centre only); Nanticoke Nurseries, Windham Centre; North Creek Nurseries, Highway 3, Delhi; Upsy Daisy Florists, 110 Market St., Port Dover; Andrews Greenhouses, Cockshutt Road, Waterford; Tillsonburg Garden Gate, 167 Simcoe St., Tillsonburg; Mohawk Garden Centre, Highway 6, Caledonia (some restrictions apply); Flower Corner, Farmers Markets at Port Dover & Simcoe ($20 and over); DeBono Greenhouses, 771 Concession 11, Waterford; Flowers by Ann, Hwy.6., Port Dover and Sawaya Garden Centre, Blue Line Road, Waterford. Free RBG passes also available.

Event Schedule:
Event Name Date/Time Location Description
Monthly Meeting March 21, 2024 at 7:00 pm Grace United Church, Port Dover Special Presentation by Lauren Nightingale "Protecting Turtles and Other Endangered Animals in Norfolk County"
Annual Auction & Spring Flower Show April 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm Grace United Church Actioneer - Bob Williams
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