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Stirling & District Horticultural Society

District 3

About Us

Our active and vibrant garden club was established in 1897 - we are proud to be 126 years young! A few of us are experts but most are simply striving to improve our knowledge and skills.

Our "Dirty Knees Brigade" is very active in the communities of Stirling and Springbrook, managing 9 public gardens, including the "downtown jewels" - the impressive Covered Bridge, Cenotaph and Library Gardens.

We offer a grant to the Stirling Public School to assist with educational and environmental activities, and a new Youth Award, to be given annually to a deserving local student attending post-secondary studies related to agriculture, horticulture or a related field.

Our monthly meetings (held on the 3rd Monday of the Month at St. Andrews Church, 110 Mill St. Stirling) are always fun, with informative and entertaining guest speakers and lots of activities. We also have fun with garden tours, festive pot lucks, workshops, competitions and flower shows, youth activities, mini shows, plant & yard sales, special projects and the annual Stirling Fair.

Contact us if you're visiting the area - we'd love to meet you!

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Our general meeting location is:

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hall
110 Mill Street
Stirling K0K 3E0
Map It

The fee to join our society is:

Adult- $15, Couple - $25, Youth (18 and under) - $2

Society Contacts:
Title First/Last Name Email Phone
Secretary Michele Storrar stirlingdhs@gmail.com
Treasurer Caroline Smith stirlingdhs@gmail.com
Director Mary Joyce stirlingdhs@gmail.com
General Information:

We meet on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

Join Us!

Our annual Membership fee is just $15.00
Payment can be accepted in cash at any of our meetings, or by E-Transfer to stirlingdhs@gmail.com

Event Schedule:
Event Name Date/Time Location Description
SDHS Annual General Meeting 6:00 November 20 110 Mill St. AGM; Potluck; Festive Activity
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