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Credit Valley Horticultural Society

District 15

About Us

We are happy to announce that our return to in person meetings. We are a very active group of gardeners from the true novice to those that have been gardening for many years. Regardless of whether our members reside in apartments, condos or homes with tiny or large gardens, we share an interest in gardening, indoors or out, and the environment.

CVHS History:

On October 10, 1984, the first meeting in aid of the formation of a new horticultural society in Mississauga was held. The society, originally called Erin Mills Horticultural Society, changed its name the following year to Credit Valley Horticultural Society to attract members from outside the Erin Mills neighbourhood.

Having achieved the minimum required membership by June 1985, CVHS was declared a Society as defined under The Horticultural Societies Act and we became a proud member of the Ontario Horticultural Association in District 15.

Over the years, many programs and activities have been organized for the benefit of our members and the community. Our annual average membership is around 150. Membership fees cover costs related to our meetings (hall rental, speaker, newsletter etc.). We support our many community projects with one major fundraiser per year – our annual plant sale on the May long weekend.

Visitors and new members are always welcome.

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Our general meeting location is:

Erin Mills Twin Arena
3205 Unity Drive
Mississauga L5L 4L5
Map It

Society Contacts:
Title First/Last Name Email Phone
President creditvalleyhort@gmail.com
General Information:

CVHS meetings are held at 7:30 pm on the second Wednesday of every month (excluding July and August). Come early for our informal pre-meeting activities, which start at 7:00 p.m.

Join Us!

Discover Credit Valley Horticultural Society (CVHS) at one of our monthly meetings or request a copy of our e-newsletter via our Society email address above.

Join the Society by mailing in a membership form with your payment or bring it to a meeting. Not ready to join? Attend one of our monthly meetings as a visitor for $5.00.

Annual membership fees are as follows:
Family: $35 Senior Family: $25
Single: $25 Senior Single: $20

See further down for the Membership Form link

Event Schedule:
Event Name Date/Time Location Description
Credit Valley Horticultural Society - General Meeting January 8, 7:30 pm Erin Mills Twin Arena Guest Speaker: Diana Westland, Topic: The Versatile Clematis
Credit Valley Horticultural Society - General Meeting February 12, 7:30pm Erin Mills Twin Arena Guest Speaker: David Galbraith, Topic: Royal Botanical Gardens
Credit Valley Horticultural Society - General Meeting March 12, 7:30pm Erin Mills Twin Arena Guest Speaker: Darren Heimbecker, Topic: Whistling Gardens
Credit Valley Horticultural Society - General Meeting April 9, 7:30pm Erin Mills Twin Arena Guest Speaker: Michelle Acosta, Topic: GMO vs Hybrid vs Organic
Credit Valley Horticultural Society - General Meeting May 14, 7:30pm Erin Mills Twin Arena Guest Speaker: John Kruk, Topic: Bonsai
Credit Valley Horticultural Society Plant Sale May 17, 9:00am to noon St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School, NW Parking lot Plant Sale open to the public
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