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London Horticultural Society

District 10

About Us

The London Horticultural Society was founded in 1852.
We share knowledge and spread our love of gardening. We maintain Civic projects in the City of London such as the Peony Bed at the Tourism Welcome Center on Wellington Rd. and flower beds at St. John's Ambulance and Rotholme Shelter.
We purchase Service Berry trees from the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority every year to plant on a site that will be accessible by the public but able to be adopted by the land owner. For 2024 we planted one Service Berry Tree at Holy Rosary Catholic School in London.
We provide 2 bursary awards for Horticultural Students, one is awarded to a Fanshawe student, the other to a student in the Horticultural program at Clarke Road Secondary School.

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Our general meeting location is:

London Civic Garden Complex
625 Springbank Drive
London N6K 4T1
Map It

The fee to join our society is:

Membership Single: $15.00, Family $25.00 (up to 4 people at same address), Student - $10.00

Society Contacts:
Title First/Last Name Email Phone
President Nadine Weedmark president.londonhs@gmail.com 519-317-9256
Treasurer Will Svirida treasurer.londonhs@gmail.com
Secretary Paula Granger secretary.londonhs@gmail.com
General Information:

The society meets at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Monday from Jan - May, Sep - Nov
at the Civic Garden Complex - 625 Spring Dr. London, ON

Join Us!

5%-15% Discount for Members at Various Garden Centres

Event Schedule:
Event Name Date/Time Location Description
Annual General Meeting Monday, November 25, 2024 Civic Garden Complex Elections, Awards, Festive Potluck
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