At this time, events are being scheduled but may change without much notice depending on current covid-19 restrictions. Please check with the organizer for any you are interested in to get the most uptodate information.

June General Meeting – Guest Speaker Cathy Kavassalis

McConaghy Centre 10100 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill

JUNE GENERAL MEETING: GUEST SPEAKER CATHY KAVASSALIS, "TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPES IN A CHANGING CLIMATE" From where in the world do your plants originate? What are the impacts of your plant choices? By introducing non-native plants to the land in our care, we are changing biological diversity near and far. Escaped garden plants can cause great harm, […]


July General Meeting – Guest Speaker Julia Dimakos

McConaghy Centre 10100 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill

GUEST SPEAKER JULIA DIMAKOS, "TEA GARDENING FOR BEGINNERS" This is a MUST presentation for anyone interested in growing and harvesting plants for teas.  Julia will discuss how to grow a tea garden, the tools needed, garden types and the number of plants recommended. The origin of true tea will be covered, the differences between green, […]

Open Gates – Richmond Hill Garden & Horticultural Society

McConaghy Centre 10100 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill

This year's Open Gates Garden Tour features eight unique and "artful" gardens in the Richmond Hill area. The Tour is self-guided and will run rain or shine (let's hope for good weather). Tickets are $20 apiece or two for $30, and are available for sale at Tour Guides will be provided to ticket purchasers via email in […]


Open Gates – Richmond Hill Garden & Horticultural Society

McConaghy Centre 10100 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill

This year's Open Gates Garden Tour features eight unique and "artful" gardens in the Richmond Hill area. The Tour is self-guided and will run rain or shine (let's hope for good weather). Tickets are $20 apiece or two for $30, and are available for sale at Tour Guides will be provided to ticket purchasers via email in […]



McConaghy Centre 10100 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill

GUEST SPEAKERS SHARON AND JOHN BOWLER, "WINTER HARDY CACTUS GARDEN" Many presume that Cactus only grow in a hot, dry environment; few presume Canada to be a host for cactus particularly those areas with cold, wet winters and humid summers. Today, Sharon and John Bowler talk to us about Canadian cactus history, and will share […]


McConaghy Centre 10100 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill

SEPTEMBER GENERAL MEETING: GUEST SPEAKER JEFF MASON, "30 YEARS ON A SAND DUNE" Jeff will ask us to imagine the excitement of moving to the property that will become a dream garden, putting that first shovel in the ground, and discovering that you have just moved on to a 2-acre sand pile! His presentation explores […]

October General Meeting – Guest Speaker Marion Jarvie

McConaghy Centre 10100 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill

Guest Speaker Marion Jarvie, "Hellebores - Four Seasons of Beauty" Hellebores go a long way toward shortening the winters of avid gardeners and providing year-round appeal! Marion will cover all aspects of growing Hellebores in this very thorough and informative talk. This spring beauty will start your gardening year off with flowers as early as […]


November General Meeting: Guest Speaker Jennifer Doubt

McConaghy Centre 10100 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill

Guest Speaker Jennifer Doubt, "Conquering Moss-trophobia: A Supervised Encounter with Mosses and Some of their Closest Cousins" In the plant world, mosses are “strong, sensitive” types. They cover enormous areas, and are tough enough to grow without soil or roots, or to survive long droughts and winters (heck, even glaciation!). They’re also individually tiny, and […]


Annual General Meeting

McConaghy Centre 10100 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill

This is our annual business meeting and during it, we will elect our Officers and Directors. The meeting will cover our 2024 finances and activities.  Awards, recognition certificates and service pins will be presented. Members: Instructions for virtual participation via Zoom will be emailed to members twice - once on the Friday prior to the […]


February General Meeting – Guest Speaker Chris Kingdon

McConaghy Centre 10100 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill

February General Meeting: Guest Speaker Chris Kingdon, "Problem Solving: How a Wildlife Garden Evolves" If you have a garden, you likely have a 'problem area'. Perhaps it's 'too wet', constantly flooding in the spring thaw or after a heavy summer storm. Or perhaps it's 'too dry', with the soil turning to cracked concrete by July. […]