At this time, events are being scheduled but may change without much notice depending on current covid-19 restrictions. Please check with the organizer for any you are interested in to get the most uptodate information.

Bus Trip to Trish Symons – Nico Van Der Sluis – Julia Kron’s Garden

Guelph and Area

Full day bus trip to Trish Symons' garden, Hockey Meadows Farm in Mono Centre. You will then enjoy your picnic lunch a scenic spot, visit two more beautiful gardens in Fergus, and make a nursery stop. Bus leaves at 9:00 am from Walmart, 11 Woodlawn Road W (North-East corner) Please contact Kathy MacKenzie to reserve […]

Plant Cuttings Workshop

Guelph and Area

This workshop with Glen Cox will include a tour of the garden containers and discussion of cultural needs with an introduction to the various pelargonium and fuchsia varieties.  The workshop will also include a demonstration on taking cuttings of various plants in the garden. contact Harriet Hull to register 519.826.0310

Lorraine Johnson Presenting “Planting for Pollinators”


General Meeting and Mini Show followed by speaker Lorraine Johnson. Lorraine is a popular speaker on a broad range of topics related to gardening and growing: from native plants and the urban forest to pollinators and urban food production.