Plant Sale
Victoria Square Park, Colborne Toronto Street, Colborne, Colborne, CanadaPlant Sale by the members of the Apple Country Garden Club Tried & True plants of various sizes, shapes and types Right downtown in Colborne's Victoria Square Park
At this time, events are being scheduled but may change without much notice depending on current covid-19 restrictions. Please check with the organizer for any you are interested in to get the most uptodate information.
Plant Sale by the members of the Apple Country Garden Club Tried & True plants of various sizes, shapes and types Right downtown in Colborne's Victoria Square Park
Winter is a PERFECT time to start planning your spring GARDEN! Be our guest this month for a presentation by Master Gardener, Gary Westlake on “What Plants Eat” Learn how & where plants get their nutrients and how to ensure your plant's best health Keeler Centre, 80 Division Street, 2nd Floor, Colborne, Ont.
Please be our guest for a presentation by Jon Faulknor on Garden Start up & Season Extension also: Seed Exchange by members Membership, should you choose it, is only $20. per year refreshment social pre presentation door prizes and more!
Winter is hard on your house plants. Get help now by joining us for a free presentation by Jennifer Guertin, Master Gardener: “All About Houseplants” Also, our member's own “Photography Show” Membership $25. per year, Refreshment social pre-meeting, Door prizes and more!
Post Seedy Saturday/Sunday events here.
Post your Society’s or District’s June events that occur during Garden Days here.