At this time, events are being scheduled but may change without much notice depending on current covid-19 restrictions. Please check with the organizer for any you are interested in to get the most uptodate information.

Credit Valley Horticultural Society February Meeting

Erin Mills Twin Arena Unity Drive 3205, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Due to circumstances out of our control, David Galbraith from the Royal Botanical Gardens will not be able to present. Instead, CVHS member Judy Zinni, will do a presentation on […]

Credit Valley Horticultural Society March Meeting

Erin Mills Twin Arena Unity Drive 3205, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Guest Speaker Darren Heimbecker of Whistling Gardens will be joining us this month. Darren is the Owner and Founder/Designer of Whistling Gardens. After receiving a degree in Outdoor Education, Darren […]

Credit Valley Horticultural Society April Meeting

Erin Mills Twin Arena Unity Drive 3205, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Guest Speaker Michelle Acosta will present "GMO vs Hybrid vs Organic". Our meeting location has changed for 2025! Until further notice we will be at the Erin Mills Twin Arena. […]

Credit Valley Horticultural Society May Meeting

Erin Mills Twin Arena Unity Drive 3205, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Guest Speaker John Kruk will speak to us about Bonsai. Our meeting location has changed for 2025! Until further notice we will be at the Erin Mills Twin Arena. Visitors […]

Credit Valley Horticultural Plant Sale

St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School - Erin Meadows Community Centre 800 Erin Centre Blvd., North West parking lot, Mississauga

You are invited to come shop our Plant Sale. Choose from a large variety of plants generously donated by our members from their own gardens. Whether you are looking for […]