At this time, events are being scheduled but may change without much notice depending on current covid-19 restrictions. Please check with the organizer for any you are interested in to get the most uptodate information.

Schomerg Horticultural Society – “Growing up with Trees” by Jack Campbell

Schomberg Community Hall 325 Main Street, Schomberg

Jack will speak about a lifetime of practical, hands-on experience planting, growing, maintaining and even designing tree landscapes. The presentation will give an overview of working with trees in both forest and urban landscape settings. His beautiful property was on our garden tour in 2023. Flower show, refreshments after the presentation. Free to members, $ […]

Schomerg Horticultural Society – “Growing up with Trees” by Jack Campbell

Schomberg Community Hall 325 Main Street, Schomberg

Jack will speak about a lifetime of practical, hands-on experience planting, growing, maintaining and even designing tree landscapes. The presentation will give an overview of working with trees in both forest and urban landscape settings. His beautiful property was on our garden tour in 2023. Flower show, refreshments after the presentation. Free to members, $ […]

Climate Change and Trees

Leaside Library 165 McRae Drive, Leaside

Leaside Garden Society Speaker Series Have you ever wondered how the tree canopy we in Leaside are so proud of is being affected by climate change? What the trees will look like in 20 years’ time? October’s talk will answer these questions, and provide us with some tips about preparing for the inevitable. Our speaker, […]

Schomberg Horticultural Society – “Tried and True Tips and Techniques” Providence Hill Farm

Schomberg Community Hall 325 Main Street, Schomberg

“Tried and True Tips and Techniques – from the farm to the garden” presented by Beth and Lex Antonic: Providence Hill Farm, is a family run regenerative farm nestled in the Heart of King Township between Nobleton and Schomberg. Its unique regenerative approach focuses on improving soil health by increasing organic matter using cultivation methods […]