At this time, events are being scheduled but may change without much notice depending on current covid-19 restrictions. Please check with the organizer for any you are interested in to get the most uptodate information.

Invasive Plants

St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Parish Hall 715 Centre Road, Waterdown, Waterdown, ON, Canada

After her Masters degree in environment and resource studies, Colleen Cirillo spent 12 years at Toronto and Region Conservation and 2.5 years at Ontario Nature. Colleen has served on many environmental committees and boards, including those of Ontario Invasive Plant Council, LEAF and Project Swallowtail. Since 2009, Colleen has chaired the Horticulture Outreach Collaborative (HOC), […]


Alliston General Mtg & Flower Show

St. John's United Church, Alliston, ON 56 Victoria Street, East, Alliston, ON, Canada

Speaker:  Sean James, "English Cottage Gardening with a Canadian Twist"
