At this time, events are being scheduled but may change without much notice depending on current covid-19 restrictions. Please check with the organizer for any you are interested in to get the most uptodate information.
October guest speaker is Owen Marsh speaking on “Creating Bonsai”.
Owen is the Vice President of the Ottawa Bonsai Society and has been practising Bonsai for 8 years. During this time he has grown his collection from a few tropical trees to a collection of over 100 hardy and tropical trees.
Bonsai is the mixture of art and horticulture to create the appearance of a mature tree in a pot.
Owen will give an overview of the common Bonsai styles and required techniques to create a Bonsai in our Canadian climate.
This month the additional activities will include … while you mingle and visit the yummies table …
members free … guests $3 … annual membership $10 per person / $15 per family
Post Seedy Saturday/Sunday events here.
Post your Society’s or District’s June events that occur during Garden Days here.