We welcome you to come join us at our February meeting. Theresa Forte will be taking us on a photographic journey of our 2023 Garden Walk…always a fan favourite. We hope that you take home some inspiration with you from these beautiful & unique gardens as you ponder on your plans for your own landscapes this year.

: Thursday, February 8th, 2024

: Meeting begins at 7:00 and runs until 9pm

: St. John the Evangelist Church
3428 Portage Road, Niagara Falls

Flower show | Refreshments | Draw prizes

Members: Please refer to your yearbooks for the flower show categories.
The Niagara Falls Horticultural Society hosts meetings from September to May with speakers presenting a variety of topics on all things Horticulture. There are also monthly flower shows that members can enter, draw prizes plus refreshments served. During the spring/summer we have our Annual Plant Sale, Annual Rose & Flower show (free to the public), Garden Walk and Annual Flower & Vegetable show (free to the public). We’re a friendly bunch of people (all ages) who enjoy all things gardening from beginner to advanced. Come see what we’re all about. We are a not for profit organization. Membership is $15 for the year.