Societies in Ontario
St. George Garden Club
District 6
Welcome to the St. George Garden Club! St. George is a small village with a population of 3350 located in the County of Brant between Cambridge and Brantford. There are many historic buildings on Main Street, including gift shops, restaurants, pizzerias, a deli and tea house. The St. George Mill built in 1869, known as Snowball Mill, began as a flour mill in 1885, became the Feed & Seed from 1967-1993 and the current owners have converted the buiding into business units including a coffee shop, flower shop and animal hospital. There is a three storey red brick mansion built in 1888, known as Sunnyside, which is the home of the current County of Brant mayor.
Applefest, which takes place on the third weekend in September, draws thousands of people from surronding areas. The Garden Club sponsors a "Porch Decorating Contest" during the festival.
Our club has approximately 95 members and within that membership we have a range of ages and experience. Our membership meetings are composed of guest speakers, floral competitions and social time. We often include field trips and workshops over the course of the year as well. It's very important to the clubs executive that we keep our membership engaged.
Our annual meeting is held with our Christmas social at which time we have games, door prizes and a gift exchange. We also take this time to recognize those members who have gone above and beyond.
We offer a $1,000.00 scholarship each year to a Brant County secondary school student who is going on to post secondary studies in horticulture, agriculture, forestry or environmental studies.
Our mission is to encourage interest and improvement in horticulture:
By holding meetings with an instructional value on subjects connected with the theory and practice of horticulture
By encouraging the improvement of private and public grounds
By giving awards and scholarships
By distribution of plants, bulbs and flowers
By promoting the circulation of horticultural information
By promoting gardening activities with children and youth
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St. George Fire Hall meeting room unless otherwise noted
72 Main St. N. at Mansfield
St. George, N0E 1N0
Map It
Single $15 & Family $20 Dropins - $5
Title | First/Last Name | Phone | |
President | Dorothy Donkers | ||
Vice President | vacant | ||
Secretary | Maggie McGuire | ||
Treasurer | Wendy Johnstone |
The SGGC meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month from February to June and September to November (unless otherwise indicated). Doors open at 6:30pm for those who want to enjoy social time. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm with a short business session followed by the speaker of the evening. We end the meeting with the judging of the floral competition and the door prize draw. All are welcome! Please bring your own reusable water bottle.
Membership Benefits allow you a discount with area supporters as follows:
10 % discount at Antler's Garden Center, Brantford
10% discount at Forest of Flowers - Brantford (not on sale items)
10% off purchases at Dragonfly Landscaping - St George
10 % Walter's Greenhouse on Tuesdays
Some of the activities our club gets involved in are:
Planting of the cenotaph planters, downtown planters, garden across from the post office and the Anniversary garden in front of the arena.
We support the adopt-a-road program with roadside cleanups in April, July and September
Hold our Annual plant sale every year in May
Introduce gardening to community youth
Promote tree planting
Support Paris Fall Fair
Participate in St. George Apple Fest to promote our passion in gardening and our club
Annual scholarship for Brant County student pursuing post secondary education in Horticulture, Agriculture or Environmental studies.
Event Name | Date/Time | Location | Description |
Membership Meeting | Tuesday Feb 18th @ 7pm | St. George Firehall | Regenerative Farming-Gord Alblas & Doug Donkers Design Challenge: Homemade bird treat using natural material |
Membership Meeting | Tuesday March 18th @ 7pm | St. George Firehall | Trent Meyers: Pruning Trees and Shrubs Demo Design Challenge: Forced Branch from a Flowering Shrub |
Membership Meeting | Tuesday April 15th @ 7pm | St George Firehall | Barb Vlasov: Hugelkultur Design Challenge: Classes of Spring Blubs in a Vase(details TBA) |
Earth Day Adopt-a-Road | Saturday April 19th @ 9am | Holy Trinity Anglican Church | Help keep our community clean. Bring gloves |
Berkelbloem Tulip Farm Simcoe | April/ May to be announced | Simcoe | Car Trip |
Membership Meeting | Tuesday May 20th @ 7pm | St George Firehall | Sharon Garner: Basic Flower Arranging Workshop Design Challenge: Arrangment from the workshop |
Plant Sale Set up | Friday May 23rd @ 3-8pm | Arena-Gaukel Memorial Community Centre | |
SGGC Annual Plant Sale | Saturday May 24 @ 9:00-12 | Arena-Gaukel Memorial Community Centre | Fundraiser |
Membership Meeting | Tuesday June 17th @ 7pm | St George Firehall | Andrew Langevin: Mushrooms Design Challenge: Create a Mushroom House in the Woods for a Gnome or Fairy (accessories allowed) |
Membership Social Gathering | June: details to be announced | Strawberry Social | |
Planning for Applefest | August | Details to be announced | |
Membership Meeting | Tues., Sept 16th @7:00pm | St. George Firehall | Amy Bradley & Maggie McGuire: Herbs Design Challenge: Homemade Preserve with Herbs |
Applefest | September 20th & 21st | St. George, ON | Bulb Fundraiser/ Outreach |
Adopt-A-Road | Saturday September 27th @ 9-11am | Anglican Church parking lot | Help keep our community clean. Bring gloves |
Joint Lynden &Glen Morris Membership Meeting | October | Lyden Hosting Details to be Announced | |
Membership Meeting | Tuesday October 21st @ 7pm | St George Firehall | Erica Thomas: House Plants Design Challenge: Bring your Favourite Houseplant |
Membership Meeting | Tuesday November 18th @ 7pm | St George Firehall | Gonny Timmermans: Christmas Floral Workshop Design Challenge: Arrangment Made at the Workshop |
Christmas Social and AGM | Saturday November 22nd | Gaukel Memorial Arena | Details to be Announced |