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Kirkton Horticultural Society

District 10

About Us

The Kirkton Horticultural Society was founded in 1930. Today there are over 200 members in the society.

Members have the opportunity to:

* Gain information from interesting speakers

* Participate in our flower and vegetable shows

*Receive a plant premium at the May meeting

*Contribute to the beautification of our community

* Take part in Horticultural bus trips in Ontario

*Attend meetings which include door prizes, refreshments and a social time to get to know our fellow gardeners

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Our general meeting location is:

Kirkton Community Centre
70497 Rd 164
Kirkton, On N0K 1K0
Map It

The fee to join our society is:

Annual Membership Fee: $10.00

Society Contacts:
Title First/Last Name Email Phone
President Wendy Aitken kirktonhort@gmail.com
General Information:

Meetings- 2024
Tuesday May 7th
Meeting 7:15 pm - (doors open at 6:45 p.m.)
Speaker: Julia Dimakos
Topic: “Successful Vegetable Gardening”
Spring Mini Flower Show, Plant Premiums

Tuesday August 13th
Meeting 7:15 pm (doors open at 6:45pm)
Speaker: Sean James
Topic :“Xeriscaping"
Flower & Vegetable Show

Tuesday Oct. 1st
Meeting 7:15pm (doors open at 6:45 pm)
Speaker: Stephan Kanduth - Gourmet Mushrooms Paisley
Topic: - “Growing Mushrooms”
Mushroom grow kits available - $45 - order in advance of the meeting

Tuesday Dec. 3rd
Meeting -7:15pm (doors open 6:45pm)
Speaker: Gary & Diane Westlake
Topic: “Gardening While Old”
AGM to follow

Join Us!

Cozyn’s, Stratford 519-393-6661
Earthen Elegance, Lucan 519-227-0800
Earthen Elegance, Exeter 519-235-1500
Floral Treasures, Mitchell 519-348-4451
Flower Shop and More, St. Marys 519-284-1391
Green Haven Garden Designs 519-274-9446
Lucan Country Gardens, Lucan 519-227-1716
Huron Ridge Acres, Zurich 519-565-2122
Klomps Nursery, St. Pauls 519-271-3090
Lyric Flowers, St. Marys 519-284-0808
Ontario Growers Supply, London 519-451-4769
Parkway Gardens, London 519-657-7360
Verbeeks Farm and Garden, Clinton 519-482-9333
Westland Greenhouses, Grand Bend 519-238-1321

Event Schedule:
Event Name Date/Time Location Description
March Break Kids Event Wednesday March 13th K-W Community Centre Hands on horticultural craft, games and fun for kids 5 - 12years of age. Pre-registration required. Contact Sue Boyd at kirktonhort@gmail.com for more information.
Freshen Up Your Houseplants Wednesday March 27th 7p.m. zoom Join Robert Traut in a zoom presentation. He'll demonstrate how to divide, prune, repot, fertilize, and care for your houseplants so they're ready for the sunny spring days ahead.
Perennial Pleasure Wednesday April 17th 7p.m. Traut residence Join hosts Robert and Nancy Traut as they tour you through their perennial gardens that are designed to attract butterflies and hummingbirds. They'll discuss the many perennials they grow and how they divide and plant them in a multilevel display that provides flowers, colour and interest in their gardens
Bus Trip to Whistling Gardens Wednesday June 5th pre-registration required contact kirktonhort@gmail.com to register Known for its extensive collection of peonies. Explore over 22 acres of beautiful landscapes. Catered lunch and fountain show
Mystery Garden Tour Wednesday August 7th details to follow
Pumpkin Centerpiece Tuesday September 17th K-W Community Centre lead by Rosemary Schaefer
Christmas Design Workshop Tuesday November 19th K-W Community Centre registration fee $30.00 limited to the first 20 participants. email wjmeriddell@quadro.net for details and etransfer
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