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Greater Toronto Bulb & Horticultural Society

District 5

About Us

The purpose of the club is to promote the enjoyment and appreciation of bulbs and “bulb-like” plants, including corms, tubers and rhizomes. And that covers a very wide range of both indoor and outdoor plants, from hyacinths to dahlias, gladioli to amaryllis, and even a few cacti, which have scaly bulbous portions for storing water in dry periods.


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Our general meeting location is:

Toronto Botanical Garden
777 Lawrence Ave. E.
North York M3C1P2
Map It

The fee to join our society is:

Membership costs $20 for an individual, and $25 for families/couples (2 persons sharing a household)

Society Contacts:
Title First/Last Name Email Phone
President Michael Erdman mikenrob@rogers.com 416-578-6602
General Information:

Meetings from March through November are held in the TBG's 2nd floor studios, starting at 1:30 p.m.

Apr 28 – We are welcoming Laura Grant, one of our founding members, who will speak to us on “Bog gardens for geophytes and other plants”.
May 26 – tba
Sep. 29 - tba
Oct 27 – tba
Nov. 17 – AGM and speaker (tba)

Join Us!

In addition to our monthly meetings, the club gets involved in outreach programs including public plantings. For the past several years, we have planted several large garden beds at the Holland-Bloorview Children's Rehab Hospital with spring-flowering bulbs and also dahlias for summer/fall. In the past 3 years, we provided bulbs for flower beds at the Main Street and Queen Street East branches of the Metro Toronto Library, and for Withrow Park plantings by Riverdale Horticultural Society. This year and last, we provided spring bulbs for major beds at the Toronto Botanical Garden, in partnership with Milne House Garden Club.

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