At this time, events are being scheduled but may change without much notice depending on current covid-19 restrictions. Please check with the organizer for any you are interested in to get the most uptodate information.
Speaker: Dorte Windmuller
My love for native plants started in 2016 when I added flowerbeds to my all-lawn garden. I chose native plants and was shocked at how fast they returned abundant life into my garden. This made me realize how much we hurt nature and, consequently, ourselves when we replace native plants that are interconnected with all life with lawns and ornamental plants. Seeing a powerful solution for climate change and biodiversity loss, I co-founded the Cliffcrest Butterflyway in 2020 and the Pollinator in 2023.
Post Seedy Saturday/Sunday events here.
Post your Society’s or District’s June events that occur during Garden Days here.